2/2015 Orthodontic and Surgical Management of Impacted Teeth Nye bøker 2015-2-39 Annet Orthodontic and Surgical Management of Impacted Teeth Edited by: Vincent Kokich, David Mathews Impacted teeth are a commonplace encoun… Les artikkel
2/2015 iPad for Dentists Nye bøker 2015-2-40 Annet iPad for Dentists Edited by: Mario Imburgia Padentistry is an innovative approach to digital dentistry that simplifies the use of smil… Les artikkel
2/2015 Orthodontic Setup Nye bøker 2015-2-41 Annet Orthodontic Setup Edited by: Giuseppe Scuzzo, Kyoto Takemoto, Luca Lombardo The orthodontic setup is meant to provide a three-dimensio… Les artikkel
2/2015 QDT 2014 Nye bøker 2015-2-42 Annet QDT 2014 Quintessence of Dental Technology. Volume 37. Edited by: Sillas Duarte With a focus on the newest techniques and materials fo… Les artikkel
2/2015 Reintervention in Endodontics Nye bøker 2015-2-43 Annet Reintervention in Endodontics Edited by: Mario Luiz Zuolo, Daniel Kherlakian, José Eduardo de Mello, Jr, Maria Cristina Coelho de Carv… Les artikkel
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2/2015 What's in Your Mouth? Your Guide to a Lifelong Smile Nye bøker 2015-2-45 Annet What's in Your Mouth? Your Guide to a Lifelong Smile Edited by: Douglas Terry Dental clinicians have a responsibility to teach patient… Les artikkel
2/2015 Cone Beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Nye bøker 2015-2-46 Annet Cone Beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundamentals, Diagnostics, and Treatment Planning, Second Edi… Les artikkel
2/2015 Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology Nye bøker 2015-2-47 Annet Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology Al-Faraje, Louie Anatomical textbooks and atlases often fail to meet the clinica… Les artikkel
2/2015 Periodontal Diagnosis and Therapy Nye bøker 2015-2-48 Annet Periodontal Diagnosis and Therapy Giano Ricci Effective periodontal and peri-implant therapies are based on the fundamentals: formulat… Les artikkel
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