Gerodontologi 3. sekvens - behandlingsaspekter
F98 00 38
This course will discuss issues of dental care of the elderly, with special emphasis on root caries, tooth wear and rehabilitation with complete dentures.
This course will be given in English.
KursgivereProfessor Angus W G Walls, Newcastle
Professor Poul Holm-Pedersen, Bergen
Ageing and age changes
Oral health and general health
Root caries
Tooth wear
Complete dentures
Preventive dentistry
DeltakerantallMaks 40
StedFolkets Hus, Youngsg 11, Oslo
TidFredag 21. august 1998 kl 0900-1600
KursavgiftKr 1500,– inklusiv lunsj og pausekaffe
Påmeldingsfrist1. juni 1998