Edens hage
Herlig hus m stor hage og pool leies ut i Provence.
The Dental Volunteers for Israel (DVI) organization is recruiting volunteer dentists for the remainder of 2008 and for the calendar year 2009 at the Trudi Birger Dental Clinic in Jerusalem.
The clinic has state-of-the-art equipment at each of its six dental units as well as a Preventative Health Care Unit. Dental care provided to underprivileged children (ages 5 – 18) referred by Jerusalem’s social welfare offices is free of charge.
Dental volunteers will be welcomed for a period of between 1 to 4 weeks. The travel expenses paid by the volunteers to and from Israel are tax deductible in the USA. DVI provides a cost-free, centrally located apartment in Jerusalem. The workweek consists of four mornings (from 8 a.m. to 1: 30 p.m.) thus allowing sufficient time for a «working vacation» in Israel.
For more information please contact our volunteer representatives in Norway:
Dr. Arne Woldhaug
Tel. 97747366
E. Mail: a-woldh@online.no
DVI website: www.dental-dvi.co.il
DVI Email: dvi@internet-zahav.net