Nye bøker - forlagets omtaler
Stråledoser, stråleskader, strålebeskyttelse
Ann Wenzel, Mie Wiese, Ib Sewerin
En orientering for tandlægestuderende og personale i tandlægepraksis

Emnerne stråledoser, stråleskader og strålehygiejne er vanskeligt tilgængeligt stof i de foreliggende odontologisk-radiologiske lærebøger I bogen beskrives virkningerne af den ioniserende stråling og forekomst af stråleskader. Love og bekendtgørelser samt EU-direktiver ved røntgenundersøgelser i tandlægepraksis gennemgås ligesom metoder til reduktion af stråledosis. Afslutningsvis gives praktiske eksempler på patientinformation. Bogen henvender sig til tandlægestuderende og ansatte i tandlægepraksis.
Self-ligating Brackets in Orthodontics
Bjoern Ludwig, Dirk Bister and Sebastian Baumgaertel
Current Concepts and Techniques

A comprehensive overview of modern orthodontic treatment using self-ligating bracket systems with evaluations of systems currently available.
Promising numerous advantages in design, treatment efficacy, and reduced treatment time, self-ligating brackets have become a major part of modern orthodontic practice. Self-Ligating Brackets in Orthodontics: Current Concepts and Techniques summarizes contemporary information and clinical studies on these popular systems, integrating them with the authors'' practical and hands-on experience. Encompassing all aspects of treatment with self-ligating fixed appliances from biomechanics to material properties and also including diagnostic and therapeutic principles, this book provides a step-by-step visual guide to this groundbreaking field.
Special features:
- Provides more than 1500 color photographs that show the sequence of steps for all procedures involving self-ligating brackets from start to finish
- Objectively evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of commercially available self-ligating bracket systems to help you make the best choices for your patients
- Covers the full scope of treatment, including oral hygiene, adhesive techniques, biomechanics, esthetic choices, retention and stability, and more
- Includes multiple case studies as well as information on risks, pitfalls, practical tips, and clinical pearls that aid in decision-making and reinforce the treatment concepts